Welcome to the Gay Gordons Manchester Website, the home of Scottish Country and Ceilidh dancing for the LGBTQ+ Community in Greater Manchester and their friends and allies.
We are a group of Scottish Country Dance enthusiasts that felt the the Gay Community in Greater Manchester could benefit from something new and different.
It is a great way to exercise, to meet new people and to learn a new skill. It is open to everyone - from complete beginners to the more advanced dancer. The only stipulation is that you are LGBTQ+ friendly and are willing to dance.
Gay Gordons Manchester can be found on Facebook and Twitter @GayGordonsMcr
From Spring until late Autumn you will see the Gay Gordons Manchester within the Gay Village doing display dances and taking part in other major events throughout the year. Come along and join in the fun.
This site is updated on a regular basis with the latest news on what is happening with the GGM.
Why not become a member and make new friends. No experience of Scottish Dancing required, just a willingness to learn.
Our main dance classes are being held in the upstairs bar of The Thompsons Arms, 23 Sackville St., Manchester starting at 7.45. Every Monday except Bank Holidays see Classes page for details.
Classes are usually followed by a drink around the Gay Village, although not compulsory!!
* Due to Popular Demand we are holding a Day School on Saturday 5th April 2025.
2023 Burns Night
The Middleton classes are open to everyone who wants to learn ceilidh dances and
simpler Scottish Country dances. No partner needed, just yourself and soft shoes.
Hand sanitiser is available throughout the centre.
Tartan Day - 5th April 2025
© Gay Gordons Manchester 2025
2023 Charity Drag night - Check out the Fundraising Galleries
Some of us have wanted to dance in Mainland Europe and this year we are performing at Benidorm Pride!!
Click Link
We are affiliated to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) and our local branch is Manchester. There are several Scottish Country Dance groups in the North West of England who hold regular dances - check them out!
Manchester has a dance on February 22nd 2025- see their website